
Friday Flick Faves

I decided that one post each Friday will be dedicated to quick reviews of movies I've seen within that week, just to keep track of them and help me remember which ones are worth watching the second time around (because I'm very forgetful).

Anyway, I'm seriously suggesting NOT to rely on my reviews to decide whether you should or shouldn't see that specific movie. Even if I took a short course in film back in college, it's important to keep in mind that I have weird taste in movies, I am not a critic, and I'm not very concerned with technicalities. So with that being said, let's kick things off with this old-school vampire comedy:

This movie stars a young Jim Carey as the sought out fix of a vampire countess who needs the blood of a virgin to stay young. Although the plot is nothing special, it has a few great moments, including the epic dance scene. If you're in the mood for a light comedy, then you just might enjoy it. 

I haven't seen the remake of George Romero's The Crazies, but a lot of my friends gave it a good rating, so I'm gonna check it out tonight and will post a short review next Friday.